Mark L. Schwanbeck, EA

Mark Schwanbeck, EA - Owner of Mark Schwanbeck Tax Preparation

 I work with clients as their Tax Return Adviser and Retirement Planning Counselor.


  • Licensed by Internal Revenue Service as an Enrolled Agent qualified to represent clients in IRS examination and collection cases. To learn more about the EA designation, see What is an Enrolled Agent.
  • National Tax Practice Institute (NTPI) Fellow, see What is an NTPI Fellow.
  • Licensed by Maryland as a Tax Preparer qualified to prepare Maryland business and individual tax returns.
  • Certified Retirement Counselor® (certified by The International Foundation for Retirement Education®)

​​Association Memberships:

Over the course of my career, I have worked with two investment management firms, Strategic Investment Group in Arlington, VA and J.P. Morgan Investment Management, in New York, NY. Before the investment management industry, I was Assistant Treasurer for The Times Mirror Company and responsible for the company's $2 billion retirement plan assets.

I have published two books: Your 401(k) Handbook: Employees’ Guide to Investments and Decisions (2004) and Your 401(k) Plan--How and Where to Invest (1996).

I work with clients in Massachusetts, Virginia, Maryland, District of Columbia, Texas, and Florida.

Click to learn about Mark Schwanbeck Tax Preparation Prices and Services.

​Visit my LinkedIn page for a longer biography and resume.  (You will be asked to log in to your LinkedIn account or create an account.)

Licensed by Internal Revenue Service as an Enrolled Agent qualified to represent clients in IRS examination and collection cases.

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